

blog post date09-01-2024 author


For Pithale:

contents bullet arrow icon1 cup besan (gram flour) contents bullet arrow icon2 1/2 cups water contents bullet arrow icon1/2 cup finely chopped onions contents bullet arrow icon1/2 cup chopped tomatoes contents bullet arrow icon1/4 cup grated fresh coconut contents bullet arrow icon2 green chilies, finely chopped contents bullet arrow icon1 inch ginger, grated contents bullet arrow icon4 garlic cloves, minced contents bullet arrow icon1/2 tsp turmeric powder contents bullet arrow icon1 tsp coriander powder contents bullet arrow icon1/2 tsp cumin powder contents bullet arrow icon1/2 tsp red chili powder (adjust to taste) contents bullet arrow icon1/2 tsp mustard seeds contents bullet arrow icon1/2 tsp cumin seeds contents bullet arrow iconA pinch of asafoetida (hing) contents bullet arrow icon2 tbsp oil contents bullet arrow iconSalt to taste contents bullet arrow icon2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro (coriander) for garnishing

For a Twist:

contents bullet arrow icon1/4 cup spinach, finely chopped contents bullet arrow icon1/4 cup fenugreek leaves (methi), finely chopped contents bullet arrow iconJuice of half a lemon


Prepare the Besan Mixture:

contents bullet arrow iconIn a bowl, mix besan with 1 cup of water to make a smooth paste. Ensure there are no lumps. contents bullet arrow iconAdd the remaining 1 1/2 cups of water to the mixture and set aside.

Cook the Vegetables:

contents bullet arrow iconHeat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds and cumin seeds. Let them splutter. contents bullet arrow iconAdd asafoetida, chopped onions, green chilies, ginger, and garlic. Sauté until onions turn translucent. contents bullet arrow iconStir in chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, and red chili powder. Cook until tomatoes soften.

Add the Besan Mixture:

contents bullet arrow iconPour the besan-water mixture into the pan with vegetables. contents bullet arrow iconStir continuously to avoid lumps. The Cook on a flame of the medium until the mixture thickens and besan is cooked (about 10 minutes).

Add the Greens and Coconut:

contents bullet arrow iconOnce the besan starts to thicken, add the spinach, fenugreek leaves, and grated coconut. contents bullet arrow iconMix well and cook for another 5 minutes. The consistency should be like a thick curry.

Final Touch:

contents bullet arrow iconAdd lemon juice and mix well. contents bullet arrow iconSeason with salt and garnish with fresh cilantro.


contents bullet arrow iconServe the Pithale hot with bhakri (a type of flatbread), rice, or chapatis. contents bullet arrow iconIt can also be enjoyed as a stand-alone dish.

Cultural Significance of Pithale :

contents bullet arrow iconStaple in Rural Maharashtrian Cuisine: Pithale is deeply rooted in rural Maharashtrian culture. It's a quintessential dish in the villages, often enjoyed with Bhakri (a type of flatbread made from millet or sorghum flour). Its popularity in rural areas can be attributed to the minimalistic ingredients required, which are easily available in most households. contents bullet arrow iconComfort Food: For many in Maharashtra, Pithale is comfort food. It’s what many people grew up eating and is associated with warmth, home-cooked meals, and familial love. It's often the go-to meal for a quick, nutritious, and satisfying dinner. contents bullet arrow iconVersatility and Adaptability: The dish showcases the versatility of Indian cuisine. Pithale can be made with various consistencies, from a thick paste to a watery gravy, and each family may have its unique version. This adaptability makes it a staple for both everyday meals and during times of scarcity. contents bullet arrow iconCulinary Heritage: Pithale is more than just a dish; it's a part of Maharashtra's rich culinary heritage. It represents a culture that prides itself on creating hearty meals that are both delicious and practical. contents bullet arrow iconSymbol of Resourcefulness: The ability to create a fulfilling and tasty dish from just a few basic ingredients reflects the resourcefulness and ingenuity of traditional Maharashtrian cooking practices. contents bullet arrow iconSocial and Festive Occasions: While it's a common everyday dish, Pithale also finds its place in social gatherings and festive occasions, often served as a part of a larger traditional Maharashtrian spread.

Advantages of Eating Pithale :

contents bullet arrow iconHigh Protein Content: Gram flour, the primary ingredient in Pithale, is a good source of vegetarian protein. This makes it beneficial for muscle building and overall health. contents bullet arrow iconRich in Fiber: Gram flour is also high in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy digestive system. contents bullet arrow iconGluten-Free: For those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, Pithale is an excellent gluten-free option. contents bullet arrow iconNutrient-Dense: Depending on the additional ingredients (like vegetables or yogurt) added to the dish, Pithale can be a source of various vitamins and minerals. contents bullet arrow iconLow in Calories: If prepared with minimal oil, Pithale can be a low-calorie dish, making it suitable for weight management. contents bullet arrow iconVersatile and Satisfying: It's a versatile dish that can be customized with various spices and additions, making it satisfying and adaptable to different palates.

Disadvantages of Eating Pithale :

contents bullet arrow iconCaloric Content with Oil: If excessive oil is used in the preparation, it can increase the caloric content of the dish. contents bullet arrow iconHigh Carbohydrate Content: Gram flour is rich in carbohydrates. While this provides energy, it might be a concern for those on a low-carb diet or for individuals with diabetes. contents bullet arrow iconPotential Allergens: Some people might be allergic to chickpeas or gram flour. contents bullet arrow iconDigestive Issues: For some individuals, especially those not used to high-fiber diets, consuming Pithale might lead to digestive discomfort like bloating or gas. contents bullet arrow iconBalance in Diet: While Pithale is nutritious, relying solely on it for protein can lead to an imbalance, as it doesn't provide the complete range of amino acids found in animal proteins.