
Modak Recipe

blog post date09-01-2024 author


Modak is a traditional Indian sweet dumpling, primarily associated with the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. These delightful sweets are made from rice flour or wheat flour, it is filled with a sweet and aromatic mixture of jaggery, coconut, and cardamom. Modaks are considered Lord Ganesha is favorite sweet dishe and are often offered as a sacred offering during prayers. Here's how to make these delicious treats at home.


For the Outer Covering:

contents bullet arrow icon1 cup rice flour contents bullet arrow icon1 cup water contents bullet arrow iconA pinch of salt contents bullet arrow icon1 teaspoon ghee (clarified butter)

For the Filling:

contents bullet arrow icon1 cup grated coconut (fresh or desiccated) contents bullet arrow icon1/2 cup jaggery, grated contents bullet arrow icon1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder contents bullet arrow iconA pinch of nutmeg powder (optional) contents bullet arrow iconGhee for greasing


Preparing the Filling:

contents bullet arrow iconIn a pan, heat ghee and add grated coconut. contents bullet arrow iconSauté the coconut on medium heat until it turns slightly golden brown and aromatic. contents bullet arrow iconAdd grated jaggery to the coconut and mix well. contents bullet arrow iconContinue to cook until the jaggery melts and combines with the coconut, forming a sticky mixture. contents bullet arrow iconAdd cardamom powder (and nutmeg powder if using), mix thoroughly, and remove from heat. Let it cool.

Preparing the Outer Covering:

contents bullet arrow iconIn a saucepan, bring water to a boil. contents bullet arrow iconAdd a pinch of salt and ghee to the boiling water. contents bullet arrow iconReduce the heat to low and slowly add rice flour while stirring continuously. contents bullet arrow iconStir vigorously to ensure there are no lumps and the mixture comes together as a dough. contents bullet arrow iconRemove from heat and allow it to cool slightly.

Assembling the Modaks:

contents bullet arrow iconGrease your palms with ghee and take a small portion of the rice flour dough. Roll it into a smooth ball. contents bullet arrow iconFlatten the ball to form a small disc in your palm or on a greased surface. contents bullet arrow iconPlace a spoonful of the jaggery-coconut filling in the center of the disc. contents bullet arrow iconCarefully gather the edges of the disc to form a pleated cup shape, sealing the filling inside. contents bullet arrow iconPinch the top to create a pointed tip, giving the modak its traditional shape.

Steaming the Modaks:

contents bullet arrow iconPlace the prepared modaks in a greased steamer or on a greased plate. contents bullet arrow iconSteam the modaks for about 15-20 minutes or until they become shiny and translucent.


Modaks are not just sweet dumplings; they are a symbol of devotion and tradition. These homemade treats are a wonderful way to celebrate festivals and create cherished memories with your loved ones.

Nutritional Information (Approximate Per Serving):

contents bullet arrow iconCalories: 70 contents bullet arrow iconProtein: 1g contents bullet arrow iconCarbohydrates: 15g contents bullet arrow iconFat: 1g

Cultural Significance of Modak :

Modak, a sweet dumpling, holds a revered spot in the culinary and cultural tapestry of India, especially in the states of Maharashtra and Goa. This delicacy is intrinsically linked to the Hindu festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha, who is believed to be fond of sweets, particularly Modak. The shape of Modak, often resembling a teardrop, is symbolic. It's said to represent a divine offering, with the pointed top signifying spiritual knowledge and the base symbolizing the worldly desires. Preparing and offering Modak to Lord Ganesha during the festival is considered a gesture of devotion and is believed to bring prosperity and fortune.

The preparation of Modak during Ganesh Chaturthi is a family affair, with the process itself being a ritualistic celebration, fostering unity and love. The art of making Modak is passed down through generations, and the variations in recipes reflect the diversity of regional culinary traditions.

Health Benefits of Modak :

contents bullet arrow iconNutrient-Rich Filling: The filling, typically made from grated coconut and jaggery, is rich in iron, magnesium, and healthy fats. Jaggery is a natural sweetener with detoxifying properties and is better than refined sugar. contents bullet arrow iconGood Source of Energy: The combination of rice flour or wheat flour with the sweet coconut filling provides a quick source of energy, making it a wholesome snack. contents bullet arrow iconDigestive Aid: The spices used, like cardamom and nutmeg, not only impart flavor but also aid in digestion and improve gut health. contents bullet arrow iconAntioxidant Properties: Coconut and jaggery have antioxidant properties that can help combat inflammation in the body.